LGBTQIA-network for employees at Lund University || HBTQIA-nätverket för anställda vid Lunds universitet


IDAHOT 2016 was a small event. The only funding received this year was from JOLK, the diversity and equality group of the Departments of Geology and Physical Geography, which granted funding for fika (tea, coffee and cakes) and a beach flag.

Nevertheless, we celebrated the day by getting together, being visible and disseminate knowledge about the violence and discrimination that LGBTQI people are exposed to in all countries. The rainbow-flags were hosted and we helped each other staffing an information table outside the White House (main Univeristy Buidling) with candy and flyers. P6 joined forces later during the day, with their information table.

The short but sweet program looked like this:

Hoisting of the rainbow-flags. We gather in front of the White House (main University Building) at Universitetsplatsen in Lundagård.

8:15 to 17:00
Staffed information table, flags and flyers by the White House (main University Building). Come by and talk to us!
